Brady Center
Why Donate to an Organization that Promotes Non-violence?
Every day, 327 people are shot in the United States. Of those on average, 117 will die.
Every day, 23 minors are shot in the United States.
The gun violence epidemic is a uniquely American Issue.
Americans are 25x more likely to be shot and killed than others in high-income countries. above statistics from Brady
Guns continue to be the leading cause of death for US children and teens since surpassing car accidents in 2020. source CNN
I (Nancy Sessoms) believe the most important Yama (guides for right-living) is Ahimsa. The word Ahimsa may not have the same recognition as non-harming or non-violence and it is similar to words most of us heard since our youth “thou shalt not kill”. In addition, Ahimsa also asks that you look at where you can offer more kindness and compassion.
Living your yoga may be uncomfortable at times (I’m talking emotionally here) but we need to confront life’s wrongs. I shy away from the news as each time I see the pain and suffering surrounding us my heart breaks a little more. Knowing that gun violence has become the leading cause of death among Americans under age 18 is unacceptable.
There are so many worthwhile causes to support that promote non-violence, kindness and compassion. The organization I have chosen to promote is Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. My intention is that the money you would have paid to take classes ends up doing some good in pursuit of gun violence prevention.
Brady United has created a donation link specific to Gloucester Yoga.
If you are able, you can make donations weekly, monthly, yearly – whatever works for you. Please use this specific link. The Brady Center will be able to tell us the total amount given. They do not share individual gifts for privacy reasons.
Fundraising Goal
Amount raised from
June 1, 2023, to Feb 10, 2025: $17,446
NEW GOAL: $20,000 by May 31, 2025
$17,446 as of Feb. 10, 2025
What Does the Brady Center Do?
Keeping Kids Safer at Home
About 4.6M children live in homes with an unsecured firearm, contributing to tragedies. But gun-owning parents who see Brady End Family Fire ads are over 5x more likely to seek information about safe storage.
Taking Down the NRA
Brady Center mobilized Americans to take down the NRA, helping drive the organization into bankruptcy. Their efforts helped reduce the NRA to a $36.3 million net deficit in 2018 from a $27.8M surplus in 2015. They also helped oust longtime CEO Wayne LaPierre and forced both him and the NRA into a federal corruption trial.
Taking the Gun Industry to Court
Brady Center won over $70 million in judgements on behalf of victims and survivors of gun violence. They're holding irresponsible gun companies accountable and securing justice and reforms to prevent gun violence.
Bringing More Americans Than Ever Into the Movement Against Gun Violence
They're changing hearts and minds to create a safer America. Today, an overwhelming 60% of Americans think preventing gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights. That's the highest in 10 years and includes 4 in 10 gun owners.
Encouraging Parents to Ask About Unlocked Guns in the Home
The Government Accounting Office (GAO) named Brady’s ASKing Saves Kids (ASK) campaign, a part of our End Family Fire program, as the most effective national safe firearm storage program in the country. After receiving education about ASK, 85% of caregivers felt comfortable asking about guns in people’s homes. The GAO analysis included the NRA’s Eddie Eagle program and the NSSF's Project ChildSafe.
Creating Greater Transparency Around the Gun Industry
Brady has exposed over 3,400 never-before-released federal records that identify gun stores cited for breaking the law. Our Gun Store Transparency Project stops the American public from being kept in the dark about businesses that contribute to gun violence in their communities. Browse these records — the most comprehensive ever made available — and find cited violations among gun stores in your community and across the country.
Making Gun Violence Prevention a Top-Tier Issue
Gun violence is no longer a third-rail issue in politics. Ahead of the 2020 presidential election, a Gallup poll found that 74 percent of respondents saw gun policy as very important to their vote, making it the third most important issue to voters.
Reducing the Number of Unlocked Guns in Home
Today, 64% of Americans are subjected to safe storage laws, compared to 45% of Americans just a decade ago.
Decreasing Gun Homicide
Thirty-six states saw their gun homicide rate decrease from 2022-2023. States with the strongest gun laws saw some of the biggest decreases in gun homicides.
For more detailed information refer to
Updated 9/28/24